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EXTREMEZONE FORUM / MUSIC FREE DOWNLOAD / VA - Skygravity Vol 3 - Monatomic Substance (2009)  
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VA - Skygravity Vol 3 - Monatomic Substance


˛Űßܲ˛ß      ÜܲŰŰŰß  ß±                                            ÜŰßßßŰÜßŰÜ
ŰÝ޲˛ŰÜÜÜÜ۲˛ŰŰßß      °        KiCK YOUR BRAiN OUT WiTH           ޲ÝŢÝ°ŢŰÝŢŰ
˛±ÜŰŰ۲˛˛˛˛ßß                                                       ßŰÜßܲßÜß
±°°˛ßßßß                                                              ߲ŰÜŰÜ
ÜÜßŰŰÝ  [ VA - Skygravity Vol 3 - Monatomic Substance ]                    ßŰÜ
   ŰŰ                                                                    ŰÜ ˛ŰÝ
  ŢŰÝ   Artist........ VA                                                ŢÝ߲˛Ű
 ÜßŰ    Album......... Skygravity Vol 3 - Monatomic Substance           Ü߲ Ý ß
ŢÝŢÝ    Genre......... Psychedelic                                     ŰŰÝŢ Ű
 ˛Ű     Label......... SKYGRAVITY                                       ŰŰ ÝŢÝ
 ޲     Hyperlink..... http://www.skygravity.org                         ŰŰŢ Ű
 ŰÝ     Catalog....... SG003                                            ŰŰÝŢÝŢÝ
ŢŰ      Medium........ CDDA                                            ŰŰŰ  Ű°Ý
ŰÝ Ü˛Ý  Encoder....... LAME 3.97                                      ŰŰ۲ŰŰŰ°Ű
ŰÜŰŰŰ   Bitrate....... VBRkpbs                                       ŰŰŰÝ Ű Ü Ű
 Ű ŰÝ   Mode.......... Joint-Stereo                                  ÜÜÜ  ŢÝŢßŰ
ŢÝŢŰ    Store.Date.... 2009-07                                        ßßß  Ű Ý
Ű ŰÝ    Release.Date.. 2009-08-08                                     ßßß ŢÝŢ
ÝŢŰ  Ü  Tracks........ 11                                              ÜÜÜ  Ű Ý
 ŰŰÜŰŰ  Playtime...... 79:57 min                                       ŢŰßß˛Ű Ű
 ßßß˛Ý  Release.Size.. 122,4 MB                                         ˛ ŰÜß Ű
ÜÜÜŢ˛Ý                                                                  ŢÝŢŰßÜŰ
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 Ű۲ ÜŰŰßßßßŰŰŰŰŰŰŰÜÜÜ               ÜŰŰŰŰ                  ßŰŰŰŰÜ       ŢÝ ±ŢŰ
ŰŰŰŰÜßŰŰÜÜÜÜß        ßßŰŰŰŰŰŰŰŰŰŰŰŰŰŰßß  Ű        ߲˛˛ßß   ßŰÝŢŰŰ ßŰŰŰÜÜ۲۲˛˛Ű
ŰŰß    ߲˛˛               ßßßßßßßßß                       ßÜŰŰŰß   ŢŰŰß     ßŰŰ
˛ß ܲ˛˛Ü ßŰ                      [TRACKLiST]                        ß  ܲ˛˛Ü  ˛
 ÜŰßßß߲˛Ü                                                           ܲ˛ßßßßŰÜ
˛ß  ÜÜ °±ß˛  01. Kadasarva feat Overdream - Futar            07:54  ˛ß±° ÜÜ  ߲
 ßţ ˛Ý ÜÜß   02. Overdream - Liquid Dots                     07:48   ßÜÜ Ţ˛ ţß
°   ޲   ܲ  03. Roof Raiser - Unknown Sounds                07:14  ˛Ü   ˛Ý   °
°°  ޲Ý޲˛˛  04. Cifroteca - Worldwide Reflections           07:07  ˛˛˛ÝŢ˛Ý  °°
˛˛°  ˛Ýޱ±±  05. Kobold Instinct - Sinus Impact              07:11  ±±±Ý޲  °˛˛
±±   ˛Ý޲˛˛  06. Psychoson - Skunk                           07:49  ˛˛˛Ý޲   ±±
°     ±  ß   07. Shivattva - Different Stories               06:26  ˛ß  ±     °
   ܲŰŰŰÜ    08. Saikozaurus - Twinkel Bells                 06:13    ÜŰŰ۲Ü
 ܲßßßß߲ŰÜ  09. Gapped - Ecclesiastes                       07:44  Ü۲ßßßß߲Ü
˛˛ ° Ü  °±ß˛ 10. Hysteria - Plasma Blast                     06:44 ˛ß±°  Ü ° ˛˛
  ß  ŰÝÜÜ˛ß  11. Sulima - Micro Block                        07:47  ߲ÜÜŢŰ  ß
Ü    ŰÝ   Ü                                                         Ü   ŢŰ    Ü
˛˛Ü ޲ Üܲ˛                                                         ˛˛ÜÜ ˛Ý ܲ˛
±˛Ý ޲ ޲±±                                                         ±±˛Ý ˛Ý ޲±
°˛Ý ޲ ޲˛˛                                                ÜÜÜŰŰŰß  ˛˛˛Ý ˛Ý ޲°
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 ÜŰßßß߲˛Ü           Ü۲˛˛ßß   Ü˛ß  Ü    ŰŰŰÝ  ÜÜŰŰ۲Űß              ܲ˛ßßßßŰÜ
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 ßţ ˛Ý ÜÜß   ÜÜŰŰ۲˛˛±°°°±  ˛ŰÜܲ߰ ßÜܲ˛˛ßßß   Üß  °                ßÜÜ Ţ˛ ţß
°   ޲   ܲ      ßßßßß۲˛˛Ü° ߲˛Ý˛±°          Ü                     ˛Ü   ˛Ý   °
°°  ޲Ý޲˛˛              ßßßßţÜßßܲ±°°     Üţ                       ˛˛˛ÝŢ˛Ý  °°
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±±   ˛Ý޲˛˛                                                         ˛˛˛Ý޲   ±±
°     ±  ߲                        [REViEW]                         ˛ß  ±     °
   ܲŰŰŰÜ                                                             ÜŰŰ۲Ü
 ܲßßßß߲ŰÜ  The 3rd volume of Skygravity compilation is dedicated  Ü۲ßßßß߲Ü
˛˛ ° Ü  °±ß˛ to Skygravity Festival which is held annually on the  ˛ß±°  Ü ° ˛˛
  ß  ŰÝÜÜ˛ß  picturesque Black Sea Cost, Ukraine, Crimea. Every     ߲ÜÜŢŰ  ß
Ü    ŰÝ   Ü  year, in July we arrange “Sky Gravity” festival – the  Ü   ŢŰ    Ü
˛˛Ü ޲ Üܲ˛  most bright, colorful and dynamic musical event of     ˛˛ÜÜ ˛Ý ܲ˛
±˛Ý ޲ ޲±±  the year, which attracts psymusic-lovers from the      ±±˛Ý ˛Ý ޲±
°˛Ý ޲ ޲˛˛  whole country and foreign guests as well. Album Info   ˛˛˛Ý ˛Ý ޲°
±˛Ý    ŢŰŰŰ  / Track Info: "Mfkzt"(Skygravity Vol.3) is the         ŰŰŰÝ    ޲±
˛ß ܲ˛˛Ü ßŰ  compilation that gathered various artists from         Űß Ü˛˛˛Ü ߲
 ÜŰßßß߲˛Ü   Ukraine, Russia, Czech Republic, Morocco and Greece.    ܲ˛ßßßßŰÜ
˛ß  ÜÜ °±ß˛  The release is the first Ukrainian compilation which   ˛ß±° ÜÜ  ߲
 ßţ ˛Ý ÜÜß   gathered such an international team. "Mfkzt"            ßÜÜ Ţ˛ ţß
°   ޲   ܲ  (sometimes pronounced "mufkuzt") is the ancient        ˛Ü   ˛Ý   °
°°  ޲Ý޲˛˛  Egyptian name for a transformed state of gold. By a    ˛˛˛ÝŢ˛Ý  °°
˛˛°  ˛Ýޱ±±  special process of arc heating, gold and other         ±±±Ý޲  °˛˛
±±   ˛Ý޲˛˛  platinum group metals can be turned into a single      ˛˛˛Ý޲   ±±
°     ±  ߲  atom or mono atomic substance - a form of powder -     ˛ß  ±     °
   ܲŰŰŰÜ    that has super-conductive properties. A                  ÜŰŰ۲Ü
 ܲßßßß߲ŰÜ  superconductor does not allow any voltage potential    Ü۲ßßßß߲Ü
˛˛ ° Ü  °±ß˛ or any magnetic field to exist within itself; it is a ˛ß±°  Ü ° ˛˛
  ß  ŰÝÜÜ˛ß  perfect insulator. But it is extremely sensitive to    ߲ÜÜŢŰ  ß
Ü    ŰÝ   Ü  magnetic fields of infinitely minute magnitudes and    Ü   ŢŰ    Ü
˛˛Ü ޲ Üܲ˛  will respond to extremely small magnetic forces.       ˛˛ÜÜ ˛Ý ܲ˛
±˛Ý ޲ ޲±±  Within such a conductor a single frequency light       ±±˛Ý ˛Ý ޲±
°˛Ý ޲ ޲˛˛  flows, liquid-like, at the speed of sound. Its null    ˛˛˛Ý ˛Ý ޲°
±˛Ý    ŢŰŰŰ  magnetic field repels both North and South magnetic    ŰŰŰÝ    ޲±
˛ß ܲ˛˛Ü ßŰ  poles, but it can absorb high magnetic energy,         Űß Ü˛˛˛Ü ߲
 ÜŰßßß߲˛Ü   producing even more light. The Earth's magnetic field   ܲ˛ßßßßŰÜ
˛ß  ÜÜ °±ß˛  can give sufficient energy for it to levitate.         ˛ß±° ÜÜ  ߲
 ßţ ˛Ý ÜÜß                                                           ßÜÜ Ţ˛ ţß
°   ޲   ܲ                                                         ˛Ü   ˛Ý   °



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