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Able Batch Converter v2.9.4.15
Able Batch Converter does exactly what its title suggests, allowing you to easily convert multiple graphic files at the click of a button.
More than that, you can also edit images directly in Able Batch Converter, to produce a variety of effects (rotate, flip, resize, mirror, auto crop, filters, noise remove, deskewing, watermarks, margins, color enhancements etc).
Able Batch Converter can take any number of images in any format (over 90 file formats supported) and convert them within seconds to any of the twenty most popular formats.
Image files you can convert from and can convert to JPEG Bitmap (jpg, jpeg, jpe, jif) PaintBrush (pcx) Windows Bitmap (bmp, dib, rle) TIFF Bitmap (tif, tiff, fax, g3n, g3f, xif)
CompuServe Bitmap (gif) Windows Icon (ico) Windows Cursor (CENZURAT) Portable Network Graphics (png) Windows Metafile (wmf) Enhanced Windows Metafile (emf) Targa Bitmap (tga, targa, vda, icb, vst, pix)
Portable Pixmap, GrayMap, BitMap (pxm, ppm, pgm, pbm) Wireless Bitmap (wbmp) JPEG2000 (jp2) JPEG2000 Code Stream (j2k, jpc, j2c) Multipage PCX (dcx) Camera RAW (crw, cr2, nef, raw, pef, raf, x3f, bay, orf, srf, mrw, dcr) Photoshop PSD (psd)
Adobe PDF format (PDF) PostScript (PS, EPS) AdobeIllustrator (AI) Kodak PCD (*.pcd), DICOM (*.dcm;*.dicom), DR HALO CUT (*.cut), AVS (*.avs), Kodak Cineon (*.cin), Graphviz DOT (*.dot),
SMTPE DPX (*.dpx), FITS (*.fits), FlashPIX (*.fpx), HDF (*.hdf), Matlab (*.mat), MIFF (*.miff), MTV Raytracer (*.mtv), Palm Pixmap (*.palm), HP PCL Printer (*.pcl), Apple PICT (*.pict), PIX (*.pix), PWP (*.pwp), RLA (*.rla), Irix RGB (*.sgi),
SUN Rasterfile (*.sun), S Actions list:Remove Noise Remove isolated pixels Resize Rotate / Flip Deskewing Deskewing Fine Add margins Auto Crop edge space Auto Crop black border Advanced Auto Crop Negative
Change Resolution Color Depth Change Color Adjust Effects Command line working
Able Batch Converter keywords: convert, jpg, png, bmp, tif, pcx, gif, dib, rle, tga, emf, wmf, pdf, ps, eps, pxm, raw, psd