Din: WTF & SoB
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11/2007: RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION: Securom 1: DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE: Strategy
Published by: THQ
Developed by: Gas Powered Games
Genre: Turn-Based Strategy Number of Players: 1-8 Release Date: US: November 5, 2007
Minimum Requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, Vista 512 MB of System RAM 1.8 GHz Processor 8 GB Available Hard Drive Space 128 MB video RAM or greater DirectX 8 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia 6x00 or better) Sound Card, speakers or headphones Broadband internet connection (DSL/Cable)
Recommended Requirements:
3.0 GHz Intel or equivalent AMD processor or better 1 GB of System RAM or better 8 GB Available Hard Drive Space 256 MB video RAM, with DirectX 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia 6800 or better) Internet connection with Cable/DSL speeds
About the game
The last days of man are at hand. Two years after the Infinite War the once great warring nations now lie in ruins, and humanitys hope for a brighter future is nothing but a bitter memory. A new, seemingly unstoppable enemy supported by the zealots of The Order, now seeks to eradicate mankind UEF, Aeon Loyalist, and Cybran alike. With their backs against the wall and staring into the abyss, the tattered remnants of Humanitys forces must put aside old hatreds and band together as they prepare to make one last desperate stand. One last chance. An alliance forged in blood, steel and hope, they turn to face the dark.
How to Install:
1. Unrar 2. Install Game, when asked for a serial enter: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX 3. Copy the cracked files located in the Crack directory on the DVD to your installation directory 4. Play the game
Bonus : The Missions Operation 1: Black Day Walkthrough
Fort Clarke, located on the planet Griffin IV, is the UEF's last stronghold. The Seraphim and Order forces have discovered this secret UEF base and are attacking with overwhelming force. If Fort Clarke falls, the UEF is finished. You must defeat the enemy commanders on Griffin IV and end the siege of Fort Clarke.
At the beginning of Operation 1, you must decide which faction to play as. (The faction you choose here will be used throughout the entire Forged Alliance campaign, so make your decision accordingly.) Depending on the faction you select, additional secondary objectives may become available during each operation. For the purposes of this walkthrough, we'll be playing as UEF. Primary Objective - Destroy Order Bases Description: Move north across the channel and eliminate the designated Order bases.
Optional Secondary Objective: Clear the Artillery Positions Description: Order artillery positions are covering your approach across the channel. Destroy them.
Optional Secondary Objective: Repair the Shield Generator. Description: Repair the nearby shield generator. Once repaired, it will offer maximum protection from enemy fire.
Optional Secondary Objective: Secure the Channel Description: Destroy the enemy's submarine patrols operating in the channel.
In order to complete this objective, all enemy factories (which are marked with a red circle) must be destroyed. Remember that the enemy will use Engineers to try and rebuild the destroyed factories. If that happens, you'll have to re-destroy those targets.
The number of factories present is based on the difficulty setting chosen at the beginning of the campaign. Waves of aerial and amphibious land forces will continually attack as you build up your army, and will gradually increase based on the size of your attack force.
At the start of the mission you are given a large amount of stored resources. Y should use those resources to construct land factories beneath the provided shield. Once you complete building the factories, utilize your extra resources by immediately putting some Engineers to work. Use your first Engineer to construct more factories, and then immediately upgrade those factories to Tech 3. While you're upgrading the factories, Order forces will continually attack. Building T2 point defenses and T2 artillery along the shore are the most efficient method of thwarting enemy navies.
To protect yourself against air assault, you'll want a few T3 SAMs (under shields) scattered throughout your base. If you find yourself with extra resources, the "Resource Allocation System" commander upgrade is an effective way of further increasing your economic income. In addition, the "Tech 2 Engineering Suite" and "T3 Engineering Suites" let your commander quickly build higher tech structures.
A few minutes into the mission, you'll be given the secondary objective: Repair the Shield Generator. You must repair the shield generator before you complete your first primary objective in order to unlock the next secondary objective.
After repairing the shield, you'll be given the next secondary objective: Secure the Channel. The Seraphim have a small naval force in the channel north of your base, and all marked enemy naval units must be destroyed. Construct at least two naval factories and eight to 10 submarines to clear out these enemy naval threats. You must complete this secondary objective before completing the first primary objective. Once you destroy the naval force, you can proceed to attack the Order bases.
Since you have access to the entire Tech Tree in Forged Alliance, two T3 Land Factories will provide enough offensive power to complete the first primary objective. The "Percival", a new Tech 3 unit in the UEF arsenal, is amphibious so your goal should be to move a large group of them to the other side of the channel. You should also build a Fatboy and send it with the Percivals; it'll provide excellent long-range support.
Once you've crossed the channel, use your Fatboy to complete the final secondary objective: Clear the Artillery Positions. The installations are marked by a yellow circle and all of them must be destroyed. (The number of artillery installations is based on the difficulty setting.) This objective will remain throughout the operation until it is completed. If it is not completed by the end of the operation, the objective will fail.
Assault the enemy Order Base with your land troops while shelling with your Fatboy from afar. After the final base is destroyed, the playable area will expand to reveal the second Primary Objective.
Mission 2: Destroy the Order Assault Bases
Primary Objective - Destroy the Order Assault Bases Description: Destroy the designated Order bases to break the siege against the town of Seabring.
Secondary - Defend the Civilians at Seabring Description: At least 50% of the civilian structures must survive.
After having cleared the way inland, the civilian town of Seabring will request your help -- they are being attacked by Order forces. The Order have set up assault bases close to the town and have cut off any chance to get reinforcements from Fort Clarke. The assault bases will chip away at the civilian colony and send attack waves against you as you attempt to save them. It becomes a race against time to save the town before the civilians are wiped out.
In order to complete this objective, the Order factories outside the perimeter of Seabring need to be destroyed. There are a total of five enemy bases, and as the bases are destroyed, the Objective counter will update with your progress.
Approach Seabring from the rear (using transports from your main base), and then push out from there, attacking the Order bases. It's a good idea to move some Engineers or Support Commander up to Seabring as well; use them to reinforce the city's defensive line. Continue to push out, attacking and destroying the Order forces. Once Seabring is secure, use the Engineers and Support Commanders to construct factories.
Mission 3: Defeat Order Commander Gari
Primary Objective: Defeat Order Commander Gari Description: Gari must be defeated if Fort Clarke is to be saved.
Primary Objective: Save the Civilian Outpost. Description: Protect at least 50% of the civilian structures in the outpost to the east.
Primary Objective: Evacuate the Outpost. Description: Use the Command Signal to move the evacuees to Seabring. At least six of the 10 civilian vehicles must survive.
After saving the town of Seabring, Commander Gari will counter-attack in the hope of destroying both your main army and base. She will send large attack waves at you, and attempt to slip transported ground troops at the edges of your base. If you have any experimental units, she will send strategic bombers to destroy them. Your goal is to kill her before she kills you.
At the start of the mission, you'll be attacked by a large group of Order units. After you survive the first air attack, an enemy Galactic Colossus and a group of land forces attack. Gather any forces used in the previous mission and use them to defend against the incoming threat.
Once you've defeated the first wave of units, you'll need to prepare for the next objective: Save the Civilian Outpost. This time, you'll be saving the civilian outpost to the east from naval bombardment. An Atlantis or two and a large mix of destroyers/battleships should be able to deal with the enemy threat. Again, if more than 50% of the civilian colony is destroyed, you will fail. If you're able to complete this objective, you'll then be given the final secondary objective of this mission.
Evacuate the Outpost requires you to direct civilian trucks from the outpost to Seabring. In order to complete this objective, at least six of the 10 civilian trucks must make their way to Seabring. By using the Command Signal button, you can tell the trucks where to go. Make sure to provide ample defense for the trucks while they make their journey; the Order forces will not let them escape without a fight.
Once you've evacuated the civilian trucks, move your forces forward and destroy Command Gari. Doing so will unlock the final mission of Operation 1.
Mission 4: Defeat the Seraphim Commander
Primary Objective: Defeat the Seraphim Commander Description: Stop the invasion of Griffin IV by destroying the Seraphim ACU.
Primary Objective: Destroy Enemy Experimental Forces. Description: Hostile experimentals pose a significant threat to Forth Clarke. Destroy them at all costs.
Primary Objective: Protect Fort Clarke. Description: The Coalition leaders must survive. Protect the Coalition Capital Building at all costs.
After defeating Commander Gari, the only opposition left is the Seraphim commander. The Seraphim will send counter-attacks at your troops, but nothing in comparison to what Gari sent in her first major counter-attack. If either your ACU or Fort Clarke's headquarters are destroyed, the mission fails.
The Seraphim commander, Shun-Ullevash, is located in its base. In order to destroy it, you must first kill any experimental units in its control. Using long-range weaponry, like the Fatboy's cannons, is the most effective way to do this. Once the experimentals have been destroyed, move your forces forward to eliminate the Seraphim ACU and complete Operation 1.
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