Din: LastChaos
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Si cateva coduri pentru ceilalti si pentru tine
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare
Cheat Codes: ------------ Enable the console by using the "Option" menu. Then, press ~ to display the console window. Enter seta thereisacow "1337" as a console command. Then, press ~ to display the console window again and enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat function. Note: Open the cfg file with a text editor and change the "seta monkeytoy" value from "1" to "0" if needed.
Result Code -------------------------------------- All weapons - give all God mode - god God mode but screen still shakes - demigod No clipping mode - noclip Flight mode - ufo Enemies ignore you - notarget Full ammunition - give ammo Spawn indicated item - give <item name> Set gravity; default is "39" - jump_height <number> Set speed; default is "1.00" - timescale <number> Add laser sight to all weapons - cg_LaserForceOn 1 Remove gun graphics - cg_drawGun Zoom with any gun - cg_fov Better vision - r_fullbright Give RPG - give rpg Give G3 - give g3 Give MP5 - give mp5 Give DRAGUNOV - give dragunov Give BERETTA - give beretta
Easy Intel: ----------- The following works on the mission entitled "Hunted". After fighting your way through a basement (after going underneath a bridge, across a field, et cetera), you'll reemerge outside. A nearby house next to a vending machine and a car should be your target from here. Inside the house, there's a laptop on the table. This is a piece of Intel, and collecting all thirty of them in the game will unlock all of the Cheat options available. If you collect the Laptop, and then head through the nearby checkpoint, it will be permanently acquired on your save file. Kill yourself at this point (a Grenade is an easy way to do so), and backtrack to the house. Collect the Laptop again, go to the checkpoint, kill yourself, and repeat the process. By doing this, you can collect thirty laptops without actually collecting all thirty of them.
Prestige Mode: -------------- To unlock Prestige Mode, which is a multiplayer-only mode, you must reach experience level fifty-five. Instead of capping out at level fifty-five, which is the highest level, Prestige Mode allows you to start again from level one. This can be done a total of ten times, giving you ten different icons in in-game lobbies to show your extreme achievement.
Unlockable: Arcade Mode: ------------------------ To unlock Arcade Mode, beat the game once through on any difficulty level. Arcade Mode itself is split into two options - Full Challenge or Level Challenge - that add extra replayability to the game.
Unlockable: New Mission ----------------------- To play an all-new mission, which is an extra mission after the main quest is completed, beat the game and view the ending credits thereafter. After they've run their course, you will then be given the opportunity to play one last single player mission before all is said and done.
Cheat mode: Successfully complete the game. A "Cheat" option will now appear during game play at the "Options" menu.
Cheat options: Collect the Intel Pieces (enemy laptop computers) hidden throughout the game to unlock the cheat options. The number of pieces you have determines which specific cheats are available.
CoD Noir - 2 Intel Pieces. Allows black and white graphics. Photo-Negative - 4 Intel Pieces. Inverts the colors. Super Contrast - 6 Intel Pieces. Increases the contrast. Ragtime Warfare - 8 Intel Pieces. Silent movie mode. Cluster Bombs - 10 Intel Pieces. Frag grenades are more powerful. A Bad Year - 15 Intel Pieces. Enemies explode into tires when shot. Slow-Mo Ability - 20 Intel Pieces. Slow motion game play. Infinite Ammo - 30 Intel Pieces.
Intel Pieces: ------------- Below is the level distribution list for Intel Pieces, which are enemy laptops full of information strewn throughout the game. There are thirty of them total. The left column is the level in question, while the right column is how many Intel Pieces can be found on that level. Levels with no Intel Pieces are excluded completely.
Level 2 - 2 Level 4 - 2 Level 5 - 3 Level 6 - 2 Level 7 - 2 Level 9 - 3 Level 10 - 2 Level 12 - 2 Level 13 - 3 Level 14 - 2 Level 16 - 2 Level 17 - 1 Level 18 - 2 Level 19 - 2
Various Codes: -------------- Cheats are unlocked not by inserting passwords, but by acquiring the thirty Intel Pieces strewn throughout the game. The more of them you collect, the more cheats you can access. On the left are the number of Intel Pieces collected, and on the right are the cheats that are unlocked, with an explanation of what each does.
2 - "CoD Noir" Play the game in black and white. 4 - "Photo-Negative" Game colors become inverted. 6 - "Super Contrast" Game's contrast increases. 8 - "Ragtime Warfare" The game feels like an old silent movie. 10 - "Cluster Bombs" One frag grenade thrown equals five in explosion. 15 - "A Bad Year" Enemies explode into tires when shot. 20 - "Slow-Mo Ability" Game plays at 40% normal speed. 30 - "Infinite Ammo" Just what it says.
Epilogue Mission: ----------------- Sit and look through all the credits at the end of the game, and you'll unlock one more mission.
Mile High Club mission: Complete Story mode under any difficulty.
Multiplayer Challenges: ----------------------- Simply ranking up is enough to unlock the ordinary perks, but weapon modifications like laser sights, grenade launcher attachments and silencers are unlocked with specific challenges. Luckily these are pretty straightforward: want a sight for your M16? Get 50 kills with your M16. And better still, unlocking these gives you a bucket-load of XP towards your next promotion.
Crew Expendable: Desert Eagle: ------------------------------ In the second large containment room, run ahead of your team. There are two enemies with Desert Eagles who will try to surprise you around two corners, depending on the path you take.
Game Over: SSgt. Griggs's "Success!" comment: --------------------------------------------- Killing all three RPG enemies in the pursuing trucks in Game Over results in SSgt. Griggs saying "Success!"
Multi-player: Headshots: ------------------------ When you kill another player with a headshot, a metal "ping" sound will play to confirm it.
Faster experience: ------------------ To level up quicker than usual, try to use the same gun until all the marksman and elite challenges are completed. They provide huge boosts and will quickly level you up to get new guns. However, do not use those guns yet. Just keep on the challenge until it has completed. The third phase of the challenge usually ends with 1,000 experience points and that will bump you up a rank almost in itself. Also, do not forget about the strange challenges like jumping 15 feet and surviving or falling 30 feet to your death. To get that one if not previously unlocked play the "Countdown" map and jump into one of the open missile silos. You will get instant experience points for simply dying. Also, remember to go prone and crouch to get those challenges as well.
Better accuracy: ---------------- Once you get the Red Dot Scope addon to your weapons, use it over the ACOG scope. The red dot will not enhance or take away anything and provides a better aimpoint on most weapons. The ACOG scope will actually add more range to your weapon, but take away accuracy which accomplishes almost nothing; especially so for snipers because it takes away range and adds nothing.
Sniping: -------- If a target is moving make sure to lead it. If you are not making shots try to lead your target more. Also, if you are a skilled sniper try using the M40A3 over the M21. It has a slower reload time and rate of fire, but it has enough damage to kill a target in one shot instead of two or three. It also allows you to be less noticeable with less rounds being fired; so someone else cannot follow the tracer shot back to you. A good setup for the sniper is the Claymore perk, to alert you when an enemy is trying to close in on your rear, and either the Sleight Of Hand or Stopping Power, then Iron Lungs to give you more time to line up your shots.
Map names: ---------- Use opne of the following entries with the map or spdevmap codes.
killhouse cargoship coup (intermission sequence) blackout bog_a hunted ac130 bog_b airlift aftermath (intermission sequence) village_assault scoutsniper village_defend ambush icbm launchfacility_b jeepride
New Mission: ------------ To play an all-new mission, which is an extra mission after the main quest is completed, beat the game and view the ending credits thereafter. After they've run their course, you will then be given the opportunity to play one last single player mission before all is said and done.
Golden weapons: --------------- Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding golden weapon camouflage.
Golden Ak-47 - Complete all Assault Rifle challenges Golden Desert Eagle - Reach level 55 Golden Dragonuv - Complete all Sniper challenges Golden M1014 - Complete all Shotgun challenges Golden M60 - Complete all LMG challenges Golden Mini-Uzi - Complete all SMG challenges
Faster experience: ------------------ To level up, gain points, and to complete challenges easily, find a TDM game of the map "Shipment", preferably with a lot of people. Make sure you have the Steady Aim/Martyrdom/Stopping Power perks on and choose a gun you want to level up. Shipment is a very small close shoulder-to-shoulder map. Just run around holding down the trigger, taking down as many people as possible. This is very fast paced and you should tick points very quickly.
Death From Above: Easy points: ------------------------------ In Arcade mode you can score easy points by shooting the building with the 105mm or the 40mm. When the building is destroyed you will get 1,000 points.
One Shot, One Kill: Canine help: -------------------------------- When you are on the mission where you have to carry your captain (when you are in the Ghillie Suits),you will find abandoned swimming pool with some rabid dogs at the bottom. Do not kill them. Just run around the edge and do not fall in. When you drop your captain off behind the Ferris wheel and both of you get into position, there will be a patrol after you. When your captain tells you to open fire with your sniper rifle, shoot anyone on the left side, closest to the building with the pool in it. Everyone will hit the deck after one of their teammates dies. The dogs will sense danger, jump out of the window, and start attacking the soldiers. This is helpful as at least four or five of the soldiers die. This also saves ammunition.
_______________________________________ ~~~I am not the owner of the hackss!~~~ ~But using them is making me a hacker~
