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EXTREMEZONE FORUM / GAMES FREE DOWNLOAD / Diablo 2 + Expansion - Lord Of Destruction  
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Diablo 2 + Expansion - Lord Of Destruction Full ISO

Diablo 2

The story unfolds in four Acts, one for each major town. From the ruined town of Tristam, you venture forth to vanquish the evil presence of Andariel in the Monastery of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye, nestled in the frozen steppes. From there you travel across deserts and jungles to defeat the devils Mephisto and Baal until you face Diablo, the ultimate evil. Diablo II is four times larger than the original, includes five character classes, addition of 3D graphics support, day/night cycles, weather effects, hordes of enemies, as well as tons more weapons, armor, spells, items, and more. Did we mention Diablo is back?

Diablo 2 : Lord Of Destruction

As Diablo II was wildly successful, Blizzard chose to make an expansion that will add a fifth Act, featuring six quests in the Barbarian Highlands. Two unique classes, the female Assassin and the male Druid, will be available featuring new skills. More monsters, items including powerful sets and class-specific items, new Horadric Cube recipes, and interactive environments will all expand the the scope of Diablo.


Diablo 2


Install Disc

Play Disc

Cinematic Disc

Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction



Chiar daca trebuie sa-ti folosesti ultimul neuron inainte de a ma deranja , FOLOSESTE-L !


pus acum 16 ani

Din: LastChaos
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Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction


When you die youn can get all your stuff back, here's how:

1. When you die pres any key to return to town.
2. Don't save game! Press ALT+F4 to exit game.
3. Enter game again and start playing.
4. There should be your corpse somewhere around, click on it, and you
   will get all your inventory stuff back, except gold.

Finding back your Corpse:

We always die when fighting a boss or a great monster. When we dies,
your corpse will left at there. The problem is to take back your corpse.
You save your game and exit, next you enter the game again, the corpse
will appear next to you!

Horadric Trick:

The Horadric Cube can be filled with 3 gems of the same
type (flawless, chipped etc.) and it will transmute to
a single gem of a higher quality.

Horadric Cube Mixes:

3 health potions + 3 mana potions = 1 Rejuvenation Potion.
You may use any quality of potions for this one.
3 Health potions + 3 Mana + 1 Gem = 1 Full Rejuvenation Potion.
You may use any quality of potions and gem for this one.
1 health potion + 1 Strangling Gas potion = 1 Antidote Potion.
You may use any quality of health potion.
3 Gems of the same type and grade = 1 Gem of the next higher grade.
Useful to upgrade chipped and flawed gems.
3 Perfect Skulls + 1 Amulet = High % chance of getting a +1 or +2 to
character skills amulet.
Any 3 perfect gems can be used, but skulls seem to have a higher success
rate."Beware this one does not work 100% of the time"
3 Perfect Gems + 1 item "armor or weapon" = A new magical item of the same
item type. Items seem to be random, they can be better or worse. "This Can
not be done with unique, rare, or set items."
1 Axe + 1 Dagger + a Stack of Throwing Knives = One stack of Throwing Axes.
Any kind of axe, dagger, or throwing knives can be used, but all types
= plain throwing axes."so use the cheap stuff"
1 Ring + 1 emerald + 4 Antidote Potions = 1 Viridian Ring with 21-30 Poison
Quality of gem and ring used don't matter.
1 ring + 1 ruby + 4 exploding potions = 1 Garnet Ring with 21-30 Fire
Quality of gem and ring used don't matter.
1 ring + 1 sapphire + 4 thawing potions = 1 Cobalt Ring with 21-30 Cold
Quality of gem and ring used don't matter.
1 Ring + 2 Topaz gems = 1 Coral Ring with 21-30 Lightning resistance.
Quality of gem and ring used don't matter.
3 Amulets = 1 Ring
Quality of ring is roughly equivalent to the quality of the amulets used.
3 Rings = 1 Amulet
Quality of amulet is roughly equivalent to the quality of the rings used.
6 Perfect Gems "one of each type except skull" + Amulet = Prismatic amulet
with "16-25% Resist All" this one is buggy the amulet will morph when you
start a new game."Beware only about a 75% chance of working"
6 Gems + 1 Sword = One Socketable Long Sword
Any type of gem, and any normal or unique sword "magical and rare don't
2 Quivers of Arrows = 1 Quiver of Bolts
This Can save you a trip to town to buy more.
2 Quivers of Bolts = 1 Quiver of Arrows
This Can save you a trip to town to buy more.
1 Spear + 1 Quiver of arrows = A stack of Javelins.
Only makes javelins, never higher quality Javelins, no matter the type of
spear or number of arrows used.


If you want to play a single player game with the
difficulty of 8 players press enter and type,
"players 8". this will make the monsters stronger,
give you more experience, and you will find better


There's a way to buy full rej. potions: Fill up your first
belt's line with full rej. potions and then sell a rej.
potions now u for a merchants. Now buy that sale full rej.
potion but u have to hold [Shift] and right click on that
full rej. potion. Well, u filled your belt with full rej.


Diablo 2 LoD u need rare items out of each monster ?
click here

If u are a big cheater u need this cheat first u need to have the
cube then transmute 6 normals Topazes and a rare item and u will
always find rare items !


here's a chest for diablo 2 LoD...
it works for patch1.08 & realm friendly!
If you got 2 two handed weapons you can simply use them both.
you put one weapon in the left hand en use youre weapon change
buton (w)get youre other weapon and cycle back to your other
weapon the thin you need to do is cycle to youre weapon and put
the 2nd weapon real fast in your right hand. now yiou can use
two weapons, it's like taking candy from a baby!


An Assassin uses no Magic and Specializes in Martial arts
Shadow masteries and traps. An Assassins Martial art skill
provides her with close range attacks that charge up damage
and then there is a finishing move that releases the charged
damage. The shadow skill provides her the ability to make
shadow doubles of her self, use psychic energy to attack and
the ability to cloak herself. The traps consist of having a
monster walk over it inflicting damage and Sentinels that shoot
out elements and ninja stars.

a new character to the Diablo realm a Druid summons animals
he has elemental magic attacks, and he can shape shift.
The druid summons animals from the wild such as ravens to
grizzly bears and vines. Each has so much life and does damage.
The elemental magic summons the power from the earth. he has
Ice wind and Fire. His shapeshifting gives him the ability to
turn into a werewolf or a werebear. After those he has fighting
abilities only useable in the shifted form. He can't use magic
in shifted form but he can summon an animal like his form like
in werewolf he can summon a dire wolf.

Ethereal Items and Hirelings:
Submitted by: rickHH
Ethereal items are generally undesirable, because
although they are usually stronger than their
non-ethereal equivalents, they are unrepairable.
Hirelings, however, never need to repair their items.
A good suit of ethereal armor and a helmet works
wonders on the new hirelings.

Baal's minions skip:
When you first find Baal he will keep summoning different
demons to fight you. Eventually he will summon his lords
of destruction which are extremely powerful. If you don't
want to face them, have them follow you towards the entrance,
then run as fast as you can back towards Baal. If you do it
fast enough, they will disappear and Baal will then go into
the portal and you can go face him.

Crafting Items:
What you need, Ort Rune, any kind of jewel, and a Perfect
ruby or a perfect emerald, and the weapon that you chose
(Has to have blue or have a white text). You put those Four
items in your Cube and click the transmute button. Look in
your iventory and there you have a crafted item

Getting More Rare Items:
Equip as much magic find to your character as possible
and go kill stuff and open chests, loose rocks, barrels,
ect. Also kill Champion and Unique monsters for a better
chance of getting good and rare items. If you have 100%
or more magic find does not mean you will always get rare
items, if you have 100% magic find, then you have 2x better
chance of getting good items. Champion, Enchanted, Unique,
Super Unique, and Bosses have a higher chance of dropping
Rare, Unique, and Set items then regular enemies.
Try getting to a very high level(45+0 and get really good
magic find and kill Baal on normal by yourself(So other
people cant take your items) a few times, you should get
at least 3 rare items if your magic find is very high(150%+).
There is NO limit to how much magic find you can have, but
sometimes magic find items can be weak.


text: creat armor with 1000000 defense absorb all 124% 4567% better
chance to find magic items 5678% more gold from monsters 5000% enhanced
defense 5446% deadly strike 49 to all skill levels 4577 better gem find.


In the level V , when you go to the "Areat submit" , before you go to the
"World'stone keep I" to kill "Baal" you must fight with three guardian, each
killed guardian give you a skill point and a gem . So you can kill them and
repeat it as much as you like to have many skill point and ruby. you should
above the level 40 to kill them easily.Goodluck


In the Kurast docks , to go to the last boss , you just need to find
the "Spider cave" that in the spider forest, go to a maze and look for a
trap door . there is a switch near the trap door that use to open it. When
you open the trap door , go through it and you get to a hall that the boss
is waiting for you to be defeated by you. Kill him and you can go to the
level 4 .  easy like eat a candy ... he he he.


If you have an etheral item put a socket into it and add a zod rune
into it to make it indestructible.

The secret cow level:

Defeat Baal under the same difficulty setting that you are making the
cow level in. take wirt"s leg (found in tristram) and a Tome Of Town
Portals and put them in the Horadric Cube.You must transmute them in act 1.

Submitted by: from a friend to a friend

here are some horadric cube recipes:
3 amulets=1 ring,3rings=1 amulet
1 diamond+kriss+staff+belt=savage bardiche
1 axe+1 dagger=throwing axe
1 ring+2 topaz=coral ring
1 perfect gem of each type+ 1 amulet=prismatic amulet
1 wirt's leg+1 town portal book=secret cow level
1 ring+1 ruby+ 1exploding potion= Garnet ring
perfect skull+1 rare item+Stone of Jordan= 1 new High-quality rare item of the same type


Diablo 2 Exp
The key to play good this game is to habe a strong charater. To have a strong char,
you must train. Dont train in places that you gain much experience, but in the places
that you feel confortabe

P.S.:If you wanna talk about this wonderfull game plz contact-me: .br


this cheat is hard but if u a realy want it so do evrething i tell
you:press enter and write:"666strongcha666" without the("and then
save the game and out and then back to your charcter and use the
horadric cube put into the cube 6 jade stones 6 rare armors 6 normals
weapons(not throwing wepens)and 1 perfect diamond or ani perfcet gem
but with diamond it works better transmute all the stuff u have 79%chance
to get armor of hell(10000 defence 300% chance to find magic item) it
worth it belive me.


1)type this:"your gold is my gold_______"and the number in the empty line.
  now you have the money u typed on the cheat. type ENTER before u write it.
2)type ENTER end write:"magicks magicks magicks" after typing that all the
  atheral(cannot be repared) items will be able to repare in the cube with
  one chiped diamond. this cheat also make u able to craft item with one
  chped gem in the cube.

Press shift and left click to hit in mid air. You could use this cheat to
scare all enemy around u! You could only do this when you r out of town.


ok every one thinks if u beat the game (killbaal) u cant go back and kill
his minions if ur not strong enof but u can just create a game in norm the
exit it and u can see norm lvl or the difficulty u setur created game to
then u can enter baal runz games or wat ever and get more exp!!!!!!!!

Tag Line Codes:
Submitted by Alex Hart(South Africa)
Right click on your Diablo II desktop icon. Left click on the shortcut tab.
Enter the code in the target line after the quotes. make sure there is a space
between each code , and a space between the last quote and first code.
These codes currently work as of the 1.11b patch.

Cheat                      Effect
-act5 Create a new level 33 character in Act5.
-act3 Create a new level 21 character in Act3.
-act4 Create a new level 27 character in Act4.
-act2 Create a new level 16 character in Act2.
-act1 Create a new level 1 character in Act1.
-nosave Never saves the game.
-ns No sound driver is loaded.
-skiptobnet Skip directly to BattleNet login.
-npl Doesn't preload anything.
-opengl Uses the OpenGL graphic renderer in game.
-w Opens the game in a window.


Hello every one. i used the cheat -act5 and made some pretty strong characters but
you have do do the whole game through... starting on act 1... so you dont level up
untill like the 3rd act.

anyway my cheat is for a barbarian character. if you get Find Item up alot, you can,
on the 5th act, go through and keep killing Shenk the Overseer. use find item on all
the bodys you come by. you can get RUNES, GEMS, VERY VERY STRONG ITEMS, SET ITEMS,&

I got a helm with 3 sockets, +3 to all barbarian skills, +3 to Iron skin, +3 to find
item, & +3 to frenzy.

If you have any questions about the game plz feel free to email me at
i have plenty of tips


Ok first u have to enter the -act5 cheat because ull need it.U have 2 be a necromancer,u
also need the spell revive.First defeat Baal and get your spell rdy and cast it on his
dead body and there u have the ULTIMATE TEAM .


Ok every1 im back with some new stuff. this is adding on to the cow cheat.
if you put in a tome with 20 scrolls then make the portal, you can get better
stuff and there are more cows


Make a shortcut of the Diablo 2 icon on your desktop the right
click on it and go to properties, go to title and at the end add -act5 .
Then apply. when you start the game make a new character, you will now
start on act 5 with a lvl 32 character but you start with basic weapons
and no armour or waypoints. Enjoy. :-P

Starting Character Level of 32:

Add a short cut to LoD on your desktop. Right click and select properties. Under
the target line on the very right add one space and insert '' -Act5 ''
** Note only the dash and act five need to be added one space after the orginal
target line. If done correctly you will start in act five will all correct
attribute and skill points to spend. This works with the Assasin, Amazon, Druid,
and Barbarian classes. If you find a way to get this to work on other classes
please let us know. Also not you must create a new character of said classes to
do this. You will however only start with the base inventory and no wavepoint or
quests completed. Simply go to the wave point in the town and jump back to the
Rouge Encampment. Have fun!

~~~I am not the owner of the hackss!~~~
~But using them is making me a hacker~

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