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Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun ISO



Forzza Steaua!!!
Steaua 4EvEr!!!

pus acum 16 ani

Din: LastChaos
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1023
Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

When playing as GDI when you are playing skirmish against
NOD build 2-3 Carryalls and try to take out their deffense
when their deffense is out you then get 4-5 Engineers in
their construction yard and try not to Destroy it get the
carryall and take the construction yard to your base repair
it and then deploy for NOD technology.


charge EMP on an enemy base. First build an EMP, place
it and wait until it is ready to charge. Then build
another EMP but do not place it. Then load (when playing
as NOD) a subterainian vehicle with engeneers and send it
to an enemy base, close to an enemy building then conquer
this building with an engeneer. immediatly after having
conquered this building place the EMP and charge on the
enemy base by this the whole base will be set offline.

When playing skirmish, if nod, take about 7 artillery,
10 cyborgs and a cyborg commander.
Place the artillery near the base and fire away. If the
enemy comes too close to the artillery(the artillery can\'t
fire enemy next to it), use the cyborgs to guard the
commander by selecting them and pressing G, and destroy them.

Hint 2:
If playing against nod, find their base as soon as the game
starts and place pointers on some important buildings.
This way even if they get stealth, you can spot them out.


If your playing against NOD in multiplayer or the
game and they have chemical missiles, you can stop
their production of the missiles by aiming at that
weird hole thing in the middle of veins with bombers
or artillery. Once you destroy that, the veins will
receed about as fast as it took to grow.
No more chemical missile attacks!


On the level called rescue Toronte or some thing like
that name leave hour hijacker behind because he gets
in the way of your shots and dies.


If you use NOD, or GDI-NOD. It's nice to keep your enemy's
infantry or D.T away! Try to keep your Att. buggy away from
these ppl. If you're busted, you cant run... The only way is
(if any) try shooting an enemy Harvester, if he chase you in
some of the infantry, will step off! And your Att. buggy will
pop off!  In other way, if the harvester didn't follow you, it
may explode - COOL! - (Don't hope this much!)
-- SECOND --
If you use GDI, do the same way, but keep away your harvester
while you're attacking! Or attack an enemy base using a harvester
[a full one], when it explode... (HE-HE!)

if you are scouting send your scouting unit away from your
base then go into the enemy base because if you send your
unit(s)to them straight from your base the enemy will
follow the path your unit(s) came from and find your

Blue Tiberium:
If you are on a stage with blue tiberium, be careful.
Blue Tiberium is as flamableas gasoline. This can work to
your advantage or it can be your downfall, just watch your
step when you see blue tiberium.

Build on Craters:
If you place pavement on top of a crater you can then build
on top them.

Clear Land for Building:
If you ever just run out of land, there is a way to make the
hills and raised land come down. Take any vehicles you like,
and fire all of them at the raised land. The land will
eventually become level with the ground. Be careful not to
fire too much or an unwanted valley will be created! This does
not work on mountains.

Disk Thrower Tricks:
Send a group of D.T's and place them just out of the range of
a laser/component tower and line them up with the defense
structure. Force fire in front of the structure and the disks
will bounce into the structure. Even though its not as accurate,
the laser/tower won't shoot you. You can use this in many
situations to increase the attack range of your Disk Throwers.
Tell a Disc thrower to force fire someplace. Then when he is
about to throw tell him to fire across the map and he Will.
Those Arms must really be good.

Infinite Capacity Personel Carrier:
First you need to have a mutant hijacker. Put him in a school
bus(no other civilian vehicle works), then put as many infintry
units in in the school bus as you want, and send them into the
enemy base. Enjoy

Clear Land for Building:
If you ever just run out of land, there is a way to make
the hills and raised land come down. Take any vehicles
you like, and fire all of them at the raised land.
The land will eventually become level with the ground.
Be careful not to fire too much or an unwanted valley
will be created! This does not work on mountains.

Free GDI Repairs on Upgrade-able Buildings:
When playing as GDI, you can build structures that can
be upgraded, ie. power plants. If a structure that can
be upgraded is damaged and you build the add-on for that
structure, ie. power turbine, the structure will be fully
repaired. The only money that you will lose is the money
that you spent on the upgrade.

Health From Tiberium:
To make a Mutant Hijackers gain health from Tiberium,
simply order them into a field of it. Their health will
rapidly regenerate. This only works with Mutants; regular
infantry will die if they are ordered into Tiberium.

One hit unit kills:
When playing as Nod, if you have the laser fence sections
you can kill any unit one hit. Set up two laser sections
as you would normaly. Turn one of them off with the
lightning icon thing. When a unit passes between the
fences turn it back on. Any unit, even the Mammoth mk2
is destroyed. This is very effective in multiplayer if
there are alot of bridges

Easy way to destroy enemies:
Build a Tiberium Waste Facility and a Missle Silo.
Then, when your Chemical Missile is ready, wait for
your Tiberium Waste Facility to fill up again.
When it does, fire your Multi Missle at your opponent's
Construction Yard, which should destroy it.
Then, fire your Chemical Missile at the Weapons factory.
It may not be destroyed, but you will have another
Chemical Missile ready. Also fire that missile at the
Weapons Factory, which should finish its destruction.
The enemy cannot build any more, or build vehicles.
The Chemical Missile should make all surrounding troops
Viceroids. The Viceroids will destroy most of the surviving

Winning with an air assault:
The easiest way towards victory using an air assault is to
take out the SAM sites. However, when you bomb SAM sites they
just re-appear. When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean
APCs and fill them with engineers. Send them to the opposing
teams base maker, take over the base maker, and quickly sell it.
If the other team is NOD, you will first have to disable their
power plants.

Control NOD ore processor and mining vehicle:
Note: Try this trick on the "destroy chemical tanks" GDI
mission. Position an engineer next to the NOD ore processor
and wait for the mining vehicle to dock with the structure
before capturing it. You will get control of the building
and the vehicle.

Easy building capture and profit:
When playing as NOD, purchase some subterranean APCs and fill
them with engineers and a Cyborg Commando. Take the APCs within
their base and pop up next to something important (GDI Upgrade
Center, Tiberium Refinery, etc.). Have your engineers pour out
and have them take it over. The commando will protect the
building that you capture. Should he fail, sell the building
for an easy profit.

Baby Visceriods
To MAKE baby visceriods, order an infantry unit into tiberium
until the soldier dies. Be careful though, once they become
adults they are not friendly.

Hijacking Vehicles
Take a Mutant Hijacker in to a city and find a Car,
truck or a bus, and select it. Now you have control
over the Vehicle. They are used as transports.

Kill a Cyborg Commando in One Hit
If you want to kill a Cyborg Commando, with out losing all
of your units, there is a very simple way to do it.
(You have to be able to build a GDI Firestorm Wall
Generator, and Firestorm wall sections.) First fortify
your base and build it up until you have the option to
build a Firestorm wall, and sections, then build firestorm
walls across any sections where an enemy can get into your
base. When a Cyborg Commando is over one of the sections
turn the Firestorm generator on and Blam! All of your problems
are solved.

Infinite Firestorm Wall
If you have a firestorm wall and it is fully charged, you
can make it last forever without having to turn it off to
charge. First charge your wall fully, then turn it on.
Before it turns off or runs out of power sell or turn off
your power plants until the words "On Hold" appear in the
firestorm Icon. Your wall will stay on forever and will not
run out of power until you build or turn on your power plants.

Level 9 Hint
At this moment the most asked question is:
"How do I get behind the lasercannon ( The Obelisk of light ).
Well, at the right of the cannon there is a small base with a
'hand of NOD' building and a few powerplants. first at all you
must distroy the units on that base. After that distroy all the
powerplants.So the NOD has low power. Then you can pass the
lasercannon or you can distroy it.
when you go to the top of the map there is a base you can capture.
capture it and distroy  all NOD units.

Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard
To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod,
Build a subtaranium APC and put some engineears in to it.
Then tell it to go to the enmies base unload the engineers
and capture the base.


Infinite Troops
During the second mission build exactly 68 infantry to
allow you infinite troops on the 12 mission (make sure
the troops dont die or get injured or the cheat is invalid).

Someone Said This Was the Real Way
Ok here is the Real way.  Take 1 MLRS hoover tank and
the APC to the upper-most left hand point that is still
out of range of the obleisk.  Then attack the obleisk
with the other two MLRS's and sneak the APC and hoover
tank past the obleisk.  Make sure to attack first so
that the Obleisk hits one of the attacking hoover tanks
and no the one escorting the APC.  Time it right and
its easy.  Then take over the Construction Yard of the
old GDI base.  Destroy the power plants outside the
firestorm walls to get a engineer inside to the Yard. 
Now secure the area by turning on the "turrets" by
useing that "lightning" button by the "sell" command. 
Read my next tip to finish off the level and everyone
after it.

Double the range of your disk throwers
In order for this trick to work you must have some disk
throwers (this works best with flat terrain).  Then send
them out to battle.  Press the [Ctrl] key and force fire
toward your target (not at the target.  Aim for the ground
in front of it).  The discs will bounce off of the ground
and if you aimed right, hit the target.  With this, you
can destroy those laser cannons or light towers without
getting fired at or detected.

Stealth Generator Hint
When you are NOD and can build a stealth generator, not
only is there no use for pavement but it hurts your as
well.  when you build pavement and a generator the genrator
does not put the pavement into stealth.  so if your playing
against a friend (the computer is stupid so you can do it
with them) dont use pavement or they will be able to see
where your base is. but if your playing with redeployable
mcv's then it wont matter because you can throw them of by
moving it and putting pavement somewhere else and then
moving your mcv back.

Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard
To capture the enmy construction yard while you are the Nod,
Build a subtaranium APC and put some engineears in to it.
Then tell it to go to the enmies base unload the engineers
and capture the base.


Conquering  Tip.
Before conquering a base,Build a defencing structure(Let's
say Obelisk of Light).Don't Deploy the structure until you
conquered your enemy's building. Deploy it next to your
just-captured-building.This will give you a stronger post
in their base.
Put a hand of NOD in your foe's base to supply more engineers
to conqure more buildings

Cripple Enemy in Skirmish
If NOD during a skirmish map find the Construction Yard and
the Weapons Factory they are always very close. Send the
Subterranian APC with 3 Engineers A Cyborg Commando and a
Highjacker. Have a Oblisk of Light ready get in grab the
weapons factory and Construction Yard (YOU MUST GET THIS
ONE WEAPONS FACTORY IS OPTIONAL) and put the oblisk at
their base hahahah youve screwed them build a barraks and
waa laa what happens next is up to you.


Secret Level - "Power Grid" (GDI)
In the level where you must destroy the chemical missle
base first select to free the mutants. Then take the level
where you have to destroy the supply base. Instead of
destroying all the chemical tanks you can go north west
to find a train. Take the mutants and the ghost stalker
with you that you just received by reinforcement, and
complete the new objective by getting the ghost stalker on
the train. Then destroy the rest of the chemical tanks and
get in the level called The "Power Grid".

At the 8th mission, it will be easier to destroy the 2nd
generator in the nod base if u keep 2 engineers at hand, one
to take over the construction yard in the nod base u encounter
b4 the 2nd generator, and one to take over the refinary.
After that, build a power plant, build a hand of nod for
engineers to take over the enemy's hand of nod, or just blow
it up, and a war factory.. build one tick tank and one artillary
and position it at the middle of the two bridges, deploy them and
happy killing the generator!

Protection from NOD ballistic missiles:
For GDI commanders, the Firestorm wall can be used as
protection against NOD ballistic missiles. The walls
should be placed above the base and/or in the general
direction of the enemy base. They can have spaces in
between to save on power and money. The Firestorm
building should be fully charged. Turn on the wall when
you hear the "missile launch detected" warning. If you
have nothing else to do, you can watch the missile
dissipate in the Firestorm wall. Note: This was done with
a base at the bottom of the map. It may work differently
if your base is elsewhere. Also, do not send your aircraft
through the Firestorm Wall while it is activated because
they will be automatically be destroyed.

Tiberium vein damage:
Tiberium veins will damage most vehicles, except for the
following: NOD Buggy, Wolverine and Hover MLRS. This makes
them excellent units for scouting vein areas. Veins also
have no effect on infantry and Harvesters.

Glitch: GDI Service Depot:
Do not press S while a unit is moving in or out of the GDI
Service Depot, because it will explode.

Glitch: Unrevealed Terrain message:
Sometimes when you scroll into the black shroud the
"Unrevealed Terrain" message will continuously appear
at the bottom of the screen. It can happen in any mission,
but will usually will occur on slower computers

3 men in 1:
Place 3 of your men inside an inflatable boat (Not including
your Mariner), and make your Mariner pick up the boat. All
three of your men will be inside your Mariner.
Note: If your Mariner is killed, all your men that were with
him will be killed as well.

Better Resolution:
NOTE: With this code you ae messing with the programming of
the game. You might screw the whole thing up if you're not
To get better resolution find the folder that TIBERIAN SUN
is in, double click on the folder and find a file called
SUN.ini, open it and go down to where it says [Video].
In that you should see somthing like this:
go to ScreenWidth= and change the number to: 1024 then go to
ScreenHeight= and change the number to: 768, finally go to
StretchMovies= and enter: no
This will only work if the max resolution on your monitor
is 1024 x 768 or higher.

Unlimited Firestorm Wall:
This trick allows a fully charged Firestorm Wall to last indefinitely
without having to turn it off to recharge. First, fully charge your
Firestorm Wall and turn it on. Before it turns off or runs out of power,
sell or turn off your power plants until the message "On Hold" appears
in the Firestorm Icon. Your Firestorm Wall will remain on indefinitely
unless you build or turn on your power plants.

Firestorm defense:
Play as the GDI. If your enemy likes air units or missiles, surround your
base with the Firestorm Wall at a distance from your base, backed up with
RPG Launchers. Whenever aircraft or missiles are detected coming toward
you, turn the Firestorm on. When aircraft attack, wait until just before
they cross the Firestorm line so that they cannot turn away before they
are hit. Do not worry if the Firestorm is attacked by the enemy aircraft
-- it is pretty tough. Just bring some MRLS in to assist destroying the

Chain reaction:
When playing on a map where your opponent is harvesting on a large field
of blue mature Tiberium, use something that creates an explosion, such
as a Disrupter. Once one square has exploded, it will start a chain
reaction eventually causing massive damage to the field.

Cheap Harvesters:
Instead of purchasing harvesters from the War Factory, build a Tiberian
Refinery, wait until the Harvester is out of the Refinery then sell it.
It costs 2000 credits for the Refinery but by selling it you get 1000
credits, a Harvester and five infantry units. Retail price for all these
units is 2000 credits so you save 50%.

Demolition truck:
Take a harvester and fill it with blue tiberium, then put it
in your enemy's base. I usually put it beside a building and
then when they destroy it, it will blow up the building.

Artillery Tricks:
If you are playing a Multiplayer Skirmish, build up about
10-20 artillery. Take them into the enemy base(s), deploy
them, and reek havoc on the enemy base. If the enemy is Nod
and they have a Stealth Generator, Bring in a Mobile Sensor
Array along with the artillery.

Civilian vehicles:
If you have a Mutant Hijacker, you can steal civilian
vehicles. Listed below is the amount of infrantry each one
can carry.
School Bus=20

Free GDI Repairs on Upgrade-able Buildings:
When playing as GDI, you can build structures that can be upgraded,
ie. power plants. If a structure that can be upgraded is damaged and
you build the add-on for that structure, ie. power turbine, the
structure will be fully repaired. The only money that you will
lose is the money that you spent on the upgrade.

Quick skirmish win:
Take a group of bombers and destroy your enemy's Construction
Yard and War Factory. Then, if you have ammunition remaining,
hit their Tiberium Refinery.


When your cyborcs has not got a full energy, order them in
tiberium. Their energy wil charge after few minutes.

Health recharge on tiberium:
If Your Mutant hijacker,Cyborg
,Cyborg commando,Umagon,Ghost Stalker Have Little Life Left,
send Them On Any Tiberium Fields, They Get Back life after some time.


While being NOD, send a mutant hijacker into one of GDI's MCV's.
(if they have one)and hurry and drive it back to your base.
Once you deploy it, you have all the GDI options avaible.

Nod mission: Rescuing the captured commander:
Go backwards and there should be a path leading southeast. Take the path and
you should be greeted by some light infantry and a wall. Also, someone will
run into a GDI Orca Bomber. Break through the wall. After that, go through a
tunnel and run northeast. There should be a Tiberium field and possibly a
Harvester. Do not destroy it, as it will be needed later. After that, keep
going and you should see a "ramp" leading upwards. Go up and you should find
a small base. Do not damage any buildings. Eliminate all enemy troops and
destroy the cargo trucks at the northeast side of the base. You will get
three Sergeant Light Infantry and three Engineers. Use the Engineers and
capture the Hand Of Nod and single Power Plant. With your remaining engineer,
wait until the Harvester docks with the Refinery. When it is unloading,
capture the Refinery. You should also have captured the Harvester. You now
have a fully operational encampment. Train more Engineers and capture the Silos
for more money and Tiberium storage. Also, capture any remaining Power Plants,
assuming you did not destroy any buildings. Next, get your Harvester to harvest
Tiberium while you train Rocket Soldiers. When you have a big army, you can
take on the base, but not head on. Do not go back to where you started. If
you move northeast even more, you should encounter a destroyed bridge. Train
an Engineer and repair it. There may also be some Light Infantry there as well;
defeat them. Cross the bridge with your troops and you should be greeted by a
deployed Tick Tank. Destroy it. There should also be some Power Plants. Destroy
them and you should be at the main base. Destroy the base and rescue the
commander. Have the commander run back to your small base to be safe for awhile.
You should have left some defense there. When most of the base is destroyed, 
run him to where you started. There should be a Harpy there. Have the commander
get in to complete the mission.

~~~I am not the owner of the hackss!~~~
~But using them is making me a hacker~

pus acum 16 ani
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