Din: LastChaos
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1023
Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic
Cheatmode: ----------
note: This requires you to edit a file. Be careful,always make a copy of the original before attempting this!
Find the swkotor.ini file in your game directory and open it using a text editor like Notepad. Under [Game Options] add EnableCheats=1. Now save the file.
Start the game, then during play press ~ to bring down console and enter the following:
Code Ressult ---------------------------------- invulnerability - God mode heal - Heal selected member turbo - Press W or S to move faster adddarkside [number] - Gain dark side points addlightside [number] - Gain light side points addlevel [number] - Gain level addexp [number] - Gain experience points givecredits [number] - More credits setconstitution [number] - Set consitution setdexterity [number] - Set dexterity setcharisma [number] - Set charisma setintelligence [number] - Set intilligence setstrength [number] - Set strength setwisdom [number] - Set wisdom setcomputeruse [number] - Set computer use setdemolitions [number] - Set demolitions setstealth [number] - Set stealth setawareness [number] - Set awareness setpersuade [number] - Set persuade setrepair [number] - Set repair setsecurity [number] - Set security giveitem [number] - gives item(see below for item names) dancedancemalak - Turn Malak into a dancing Twi'lek in the last fight warp <map name> - Travel to indicated map infiniteuses - One use items never expire whereami - List player's position on current map in Cartesian coordinates givecredits <number> - Get indicated number of credits giveitem <item name> - Spawn indicated item givemed - Spawn medpacks giverepair - Spawn repair packs givecomspikes - Spawn computer spikes give sith armor <number> - Spawn Sith Armor revealmap - Full map
[number] = 10 - 999
below are items for use with giveitem cheat, to get it to work type giveitem leave a space type name of item( i.e. g_i_mask01) leave another space and type number required(so should look like this giveitem g_i_mask01 1).
Clothing: --------- Masks g_i_mask01 - Light-scan Visor g_i_mask02 - Motion Detection Goggles g_i_mask03 - Bothan Perception Visor g_i_mask04 - Verpine Ocular Enhancer g_i_mask05 - Bothan Sensory Visor g_i_mask06 - Vacuum Mask g_i_mask07 - Sonic Nullifiers g_i_mask08 - Aural Amplifier g_i_mask09 - Advanced Aural Amplifier g_i_mask10 - Neural Band g_i_mask11 - verpine Headband g_i_mask12 - Breath Mask g_i_mask13 - Teta's Royal Band g_i_mask14 - Sith Mask g_i_mask15 - Stabilizer Mask g_i_mask16 - Interface Band g_i_mask17 - Demolitions Sensor g_i_mask18 - Combat Sensor g_i_mask19 - Stealth Field Enhancer g_i_mask20 - Stealth Field Reinforcement g_i_mask21 - Interface Visor g_i_mask22 - Circlet of Saresh g_i_mask23 - Pistol Targeting Optics g_i_mask24 - Heavy Targeting Optics g1_i_mask01 - Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask g1_i_mask02 - Medical Interface Visor g1_i_mask03 - Advanced Agent Interface kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask geno_visor - GenoHaradan Visor
Implants Class 1 g_i_implant101 - Cardio Package g_i_implant102 - Response Package g_i_implant103 - Memory Package
Implants Class 2 g_i_implant201 - Biotech Package g_i_implant202 - Retinal Combat Implant g_i_implant203 - Nerve Enhancement Package g_i_implant204 - The Party Selection Screen Available
Implants Class 3 g_i_implant301 - Bavakar Cardio Package g_i_implant302 - Bavakar Reflex Enhancement Package g_i_implant303 - Bavakar Memory Chip g_i_implant304 - Bio-Antidote Package g_i_implant305 - Cardio Power System g_i_implant306 - Gordulan Reaction System g_i_implant307 - Navaradon Regenerator g_i_implant308 - Sith Regenerator g_i_implant309 - Beemon Package g_i_implant310 - Cyber Reaction System g1_i_implant301 - Advanced Senseory Implant g1_i_implant302 - Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant g1_i_implant303 - Advanced Combat Implant g1_i_implant304 - Advanced Alacrity
Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet01 - Strength Gauntlet g_i_gauntlet02 - Eriadu Strength Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet03 - Sith Power Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet04 - Stabilizer Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet05 - Bothan Machinist Gloves g_i_gauntlet06 - Verpine Bond Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet07 - Dominator Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet08 - Karaken Gauntlets g_i_gauntlet09 - Infilitrator Gloves g1_i_gauntlet01 - Advanced Stabilizer Gloves kor38a_gauntlet - Marko Ragnos' Gauntlets geno_gloves - GenoHaradan Power Gloves tar03_brejikglove - Brejik's Gloves
Shields g_i_frarmbnds01 - Energy Shield g_i_frarmbnds02 - Sith Energy Shield g_i_frarmbnds03 - Arkanian Energy Shield g_i_frarmbnds04 - Echani Shield g_i_frarmbnds05 - Mandalorian Melee Shield g_i_frarmbnds06 - Mandalorian Power Shield g_i_frarmbnds07 - Echani Dueling Shield g_i_frarmbnds08 - Yusanis' Dueling Shield g_i_frarmbnds09 - Verpine Prototype Shield tar03_brejikband - Brejik's Arm Band
Belts g_i_belt001 - Cardio Regulator g_i_belt002 - Verpine Cardio Regulator g_i_belt003 - Adrenaline Amplifier g_i_belt004 - Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier g_i_belt005 - Nerve Amplifying Belt g_i_belt006 - Sound Dampening Stealth Unit g_i_belt007 - Advanced Stealth Unit g_i_belt008 - Eriadu Stealth Unit g_i_belt009 - Calrissian's Utility Belt g_i_belt010 - Stealth Field Generator g_i_belt011 - Adrenaline Stimulator g_i_belt012 - CNS Strength Enhancer g_i_belt013 - Electrical Capacitance Charge g_i_belt014 - Thermal Shield Generator g1_i_belt001 - Baragwin Stealth Unit geno_stealth - GenoHaradan Stealth Unit tar03_brejikbelt - Brejik's Belt
Clothes g_a_clothes01 - Clothing g_a_clothes02 - Clothing Variant 2 g_a_clothes03 - Clothing Variant 3 g_a_clothes04 - Clothing Variant 4 g_a_clothes05 - Clothing Variant 5 g_a_clothes06 - Clothing Variant 6 g_a_clothes07 - Clothing Variant 1 g_a_clothes08 - Clothing Variant 7 g_a_clothes09 - Clothing Variant 8
Jedi Robes g_a_jedirobe01 - Jedi Robe (Brown) g_a_jedirobe02 - Dark Jedi Robe (Grey) g_a_jedirobe03 - Jedi Robe (Red) g_a_jedirobe04 - Jedi Robe (Blue) g_a_jedirobe05 - Dark Jedi Robe (Blue) g_a_jedirobe06 - Qel-Droma Robes
Jedi Knight Robes g_a_kghtrobe01 - Jedi Knight Robe (Brown) g_a_kghtrobe02 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Grey) g_a_kghtrobe03 - Jedi Knight Robe (Red) g_a_kghtrobe04 - Jedi Knight Robe (Blue) g_a_kghtrobe05 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Blue)
Jedi Master Robes g_a_mstrrobe01 - Jedi Master Robe #1 (Brown) g_a_mstrrobe02 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Black) g_a_mstrrobe03 - Jedi Master Robe (Red) g_a_mstrrobe04 - Jedi Master Robe (Blue) g_a_mstrrobe05 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Blue) g_a_mstrrobe06 - Darth Revan's Robes (Dark side only) g_a_mstrrobe07 - Star Forge Robes (Light Side Only)
Armor Class 4 g_a_class4001 - Combat Suit g_a_class4002 - Zabrak Combat Suit g_a_class4003 - Echani Light Armor g_a_class4004 - Cinnagar Weave Armor g_a_class4005 - Massassi Ceremonial Armor g_a_class4006 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor g_a_class4007 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (Defense 7) g_a_class4008 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (Defense 7, Immunity: Mind-Affecting) g_a_class4009 - Echani Fiber Armor geno_armor - GenoHaradan Mesh Armor
Armor Class 5 g_a_class5001 - Heavy Combat Suit g_a_class5002 - Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit g_a_class5003 - Zabrak Battle Armor g_a_class5004 - Zabrak Field Armor g_a_class5005 - Reinforced Fiber Armor g_a_class5006 - Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit g_a_class5007 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 6) g_a_class5008 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 9) g_a_class5009 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 9, 30 sv Cold, Immunity: Mind-Affecting) g_a_class5010 - Republic Mod Armor g1_a_class5001 - Light Exoskeleton g1_a_class5002 - Baragwin Shadow Armor
Armor Class 6 g_a_class6001 - Military Suit g_a_class6002 - Echani Battle Armor g_a_class6003 - Cinnagar War Suit g_a_class6004 - Verpine Fiber Mesh g_a_class6005 - Arkanian Bond Armor g_a_class6006 - Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit g_a_class6007 - Davik's War Suit (Defense g_a_class6008 - Davik's War Suit (Defense 10) g_a_class6009 - Davik's War Suit (Defense 10, 20 vs Cold/Fire, Immunity: Mind-Affecting) g1_a_class6001 - Environmental Bastion Armor
Armor Class 7 g_a_class7001 - Light Battle Armor g_a_class7002 - Bronzium Light Battle Armor g_a_class7003 - Powered Light Battle Armor g_a_class7004 - Krath Heavy Armor g_a_class7005 - Krath Holy Battle Suit g_a_class7006 - Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor
Armor Class 8 g_a_class8001 - Battle Armor g_a_class8002 - Powered Battle Armor g_a_class8003 - Cinnagar Plate Armor g_a_class8004 - Mandalorian Armor g_a_class8005 - Calo Nord's Armor (Defense 9, 10 sv vs all) g_a_class8006 - Calo Nord's Armor (Defense 12, 25 sv all, Immunity: Critical hits)
g_a_class8007 - Calo Nord's Armor (Defense 12, 25 sv all, Immunity: Critical hits & Mind Affecting)
g_a_class8008 - blank g_a_class8009 - Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh g1_a_class8001 - Heavy Exoskeleton
Armor Class 9 g_a_class9001 - Heavy Battle Armor g_a_class9002 - Durasteel Heavy Armor g_a_class9003 - Mandalorian Battle Armor g_a_class9004 - Mandalorian Heavy Armor g_a_class9005 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit g_a_class9006 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit (Defense 13) g_a_class9007 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit (Defense 13, 30 vs Cold/Fire, Immunity: Mind-affecting) g_a_class9009 - Cassus Fett's Armor g_a_class9010 - Mandalorian Assault Armor g_a_class9011 - Cassus Fett's Amor (special)
Mele Weapons
Light Sabers g_w_lghtsbr01 - Blue g_w_lghtsbr02 - Red g_w_lghtsbr03 - Green g_w_lghtsbr04 - Yellow g_w_lghtsbr05 - Purple g_w_lghtsbr06 - DARTH MALAK's LIGHT SABER g1_w_lghtsbr01 - Guardian of the Force g1_w_lghtsbr02 - Mantle of the Force
Short Lightsabers g_w_shortsbr01 - Blue g_w_shortsbr02 - Red g_w_shortsbr03 - Green g_w_shortsbr04 - Yellow g_w_shortsbr05 - Purple g1_w_shortsbr01 - Guardian of the Force g1_w_shortsbr02 - Mantle of the Force
Double Lightsabers g_w_dblsbr001 - Blue g_w_dblsbr002 - Red g_w_dblsbr003 - Green g_w_dblsbr004 - Yellow g_w_dblsbr005 - Purple g_w_dblsbr006 - Bastila's Lightsaber g1_w_dblsbr001 - Guardian of the Force g1_w_dblsbr002 - Mantle of the Force
Saber crystals g_w_sbrcrstl01 - Rubat Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl02 - Damind Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl03 - Eralam Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl04 - Sapith Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl05 - Nextor Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl06 - Opila Crstal g_w_sbrcrstl07 - Jenruax Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl08 - Phond Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl09 - Luxum Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl10 - Firkrann Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl11 - Bondar Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl12 - Sigil Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl13 - Upari Crstal g_w_sbrcrstl14 - Blue Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl15 - Yellow Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl16 - Green Crstal g_w_sbrcrstl17 - Violet Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl18 - Red Crystal g_w_sbrcrstl19 - Solari Crystal g1_w_sbrcrstl20 - Heart of the Gaurdian g1_w_sbrcrstl21 - Mantle of the Force tat18_dragonprl - Krayt Dragon Pearl kas25_wookcrysta - Rough-cut Upari Amulet
Long Swords g_w_lngswrd01 - Long Sword g_w_lngswrd02 - Krath War Blade g_w_lngswrd03 - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade
Double-Bladed Swords g_w_dblswrd001 - Double-Bladed Sword g_w_dblswrd002 - Echani Ritual Brand g_w_dblswrd003 - Krath Double Sword g_w_dblswrd005 - Ajunta Pall's Blade
Short Swords g_w_shortswrd01 - Short Sword g_w_shortswrd02 - Massassi Brand g_w_shortswrd03 - Teta's Blade
Vibro Swords g_w_vbroswrd01 - VibroSword g_w_vbroswrd02 - Krath Dire Sword g_w_vbroswrd03 - Sith Tremor Sword g_w_vbroswrd04 - Echani Foil g_w_vbroswrd05 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade g_w_vbroswrd06 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade (Requires: Melee, Critical Strike, Flurry) Attack Mod +5, +1-6 Electric
g_w_vbroswrd07 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade (Requires: Melee, Critical Strike, Flurry) Attack Mod +5, +1-8 Electric
g_w_vbroswrd08 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade (Requires: Melee, Critical Strike, Flurry) Attack Mod +5, +2-12 Electric g1_w_vbroswrd01 - Baragwin Assault Blade geno_blade - GenoHaradan Poison Blade
Vibro Double-Swords g_w_vbrdblswd01 - Vibro Double-Blade g_w_vbrdblswd02 - Sith War Sword g_w_vbrdblswd03 - Echani Double-Brand g_w_vbrdblswd04 - Yusanis' Brand g_w_vbrdblswd05 - Yusanis' Brand g_w_vbrdblswd06 - Yusanis' Brand g_w_vbrdblswd07 - Yusanis' Brand
Vibroblades g_w_vbroshort01 - Vibroblade g_w_vbroshort02 - Krath Blood Blade g_w_vbroshort03 - Echani Vibroblade g_w_vbroshort04 - Sanasiki's Blade g_w_vbroshort05 - Sanasiki's Blade g_w_vbroshort06 - Sanasiki's Blade g_w_vbroshort07 - Sanasiki's Blade g_w_vbroshort08 - Mission's Vibroblade g_w_vbroshort09 - Prototype Vibroblade
Quarterstaffs: g_w_qtrstaff01 - Quarterstaff g_w_qtrstaff02 - Massassi Battle Staff g_w_qtrstaff03 - Raito's Gaderffii
Stun Batons: g_w_stunbaton01 - Stun Baton g_w_stunbaton02 - Botahn Stun Stick g_w_stunbaton03 - Bothan Chuka g_w_stunbaton04 - Rakatan Battle Wand g_w_stunbaton05 - Rakatan Battle Wand g_w_stunbaton06 - Rakatan Battle Wand g_w_stunbaton07 - Rakatan Battle Wand
Misc. g_w_waraxe001 - Gamorrean BattleAxe g_w_warblade001 - Wookie Warblade
Blasters Blaster Pistols g_w_blstrpstl001 - Blaster Pistol g_w_blstrpstl002 - Mandalorian Blaster g_w_blstrpstl003 - Arkanian Pistol g_w_blstrpstl004 - Zabrak Blaster Pistol g_w_blstrpstl005 - Bendak's Blaster g_w_blstrpstl006 - Bendak's Blaster g_w_blstrpstl007 - Bendak's Blaster g_w_blstrpstl008 - Bendak's Blaster g_w_blstrpstl009 - Bendak's Blaster g_w_blstrpstl010 - Carth's Blaster g_w_blstrpstl020 - Insta-Kill Pistol geno_blaster - GenoHaradan Blaster
Hold-Out Blasters g_w_hldoblstr01 - Hold Out Blaster g_w_hldoblstr02 - Bothan Quick Draw g_w_hldoblstr03 - Sith Assassin Pistol g_w_hldoblstr04 - Bothan Needler
Heavy blasters g_w_hvyblstr01 - Heavy blaster g_w_hvyblstr02 - Arkainian heavy pistol g_w_hvyblstr03 - Zabrak Testal Mark 3 g_w_hvyblstr04 - Mandalorian Heavy pistol g_w_hvyblstr05 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol g_w_hvyblstr06 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol g_w_hvyblstr07 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol g_w_hvyblstr08 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol g_w_hvyblstr09 - Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol
Ion Blasters g_w_ionblstr01 - Ion Blaster g_w_ionblstr02 - Verpine Prototype Ion Blaster
Disruptor Pistols g_w_dsrptpstl001 - Disruptor Pistol g_w_dsrptpstl002 - Mandalorian Ripper
Sonic Pistols g_w_sonicpstl01 - Sonic Pistol g_w_sonicpstl02 - Bothan Shrieker
Blaster Carbines g_w_blstrcrbn001 - Blaster Carbine g_w_blstrcrbn002 - Sith Assault Gun g_w_blstrcrbn003 - Cinnagar Carbine g_w_blstrcrbn004 - Jurgan Kalta's Carbine g_w_blstrcrbn005 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine g_w_blstrcrbn006 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine g_w_blstrcrbn007 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine g_w_blstrcrbn008 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine g_w_blstrcrbn009 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine
Blaster Rifles g_w_blstrrfl001 - Blaster Rifle g_w_blstrrfl002 - Sith Sniper Rifle g_w_blstrrfl003 - Mandalorian Assault Rifle g_w_blstrrfl004 - Zabrak Battle Cannon g_w_blstrrfl005 - Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle g_w_blstrrfl006 - Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle g_w_blstrrfl007 - Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle g_w_blstrrfl008 - Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle g_w_blstrrfl009 - Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle
Bowcasters: g_w_bowcstr001 - Bowcaster g_w_bowcstr002 - Chuundar's Bowcaster g_w_bowcstr003 - Zaalbar's Bowcaster
Ion Rifles g_w_ionrfl01 - Ion Rifle g_w_ionrfl02 - Bothan Droid Disruptor g_w_ionrfl03 - Verpine Droid Disruptor g1_w_ionrfl01 - Baragwin Ion-X Weapon
Disruptor Rifles g_w_dsrptrfl001 - Disruptor Rifle g_w_dsrptrfl002 - Zabrak Disruptor Rifle g1_w_dsrptrfl001 - Baragwin Disruptor-X Weapon
Sonic Rifles g_w_sonicrfl01 - Sonic Rifle g_w_sonicrfl02 - Bothan Discord Gun g_w_sonicrfl03 - Arkanian Sonic Rifle
Repeating Blasters g_w_rptnblstr01 - Light Repeating Blaster g_w_rptnblstr02 - Medium Repeating Blaster g_w_rptnblstr03 - Blaster Cannon g1_w_rptnblstr01 - Baragwin ASsault Gun
Heavy Repeating Blaster g_w_hvrptbltr01 - Heavy Repeating Blaster g_w_hvrptbltr02 - Mandalorian Heavy Repeater g1_w_hvrptbltr - Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster g_w_hvrptbltr002 - Ordo's Repeating Blaster
Upgrade items g_i_upgrade001 - Scope g_i_upgrade002 - Improved Energy Cell g_i_upgrade003 - Beam splitter g_i_upgrade004 - Hair Trigger g_i_upgrade005 - Armour Reinforcement g_i_upgrade006 - Mesh Underlay g_i_upgrade007 - Vibration Cell g_i_upgrade008 - Durasteel Bonding Alloy g_i_upgrade009 - Energy Projector
Explosives Grenades g_w_adhsvgren001 - Adhesive Grenade g_w_cryobgren001 - CryoBan Grenade g_w_firegren001 - Plasma Grenade g_w_fraggren01 - Frag Grenade g_w_iongren01 - Ion Grenade g_w_poisngren01 - Poison Grenade g_w_sonicgren01 - Sonic Grenade g_w_stungren01 - Concussion Grenade g_w_thermldet01 - Thermal Detonator
Mines g_i_trapkit001 - Minor Flash Mine g_i_trapkit002 - Average Flash Mine g_i_trapkit003 - Deadly Flash Mine g_i_trapkit004 - Minor Frag Mine g_i_trapkit005 - Average Frag Mine g_i_trapkit006 - Deadly Frag Mine g_i_trapkit007 - Minor Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit008 - Average Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine g_i_trapkit010 - Minor Gas Mine g_i_trapkit011 - Average Gas Mine g_i_trapkit012 - Deadly Gas Mine
Medical and Gear Medical Items g_i_medeqpmnt01 - Medpac g_i_medeqpmnt02 - Advanced Medpac g_i_medeqpmnt03 - Life Support Pack g_i_medeqpmnt04 - Antidote Kit g_i_medeqpmnt05 - Antibiotic Kit g_i_medeqpmnt06 - Advanced Medpac g_i_medeqpmnt07 - Life Support Pack g_i_medeqpmnt08 - Squad Recovery Stim
Stimulants g_i_adrnaline001 - Adrenal Strength g_i_adrnaline002 - Adrenal Alacrity g_i_adrnaline003 - Adrenal Stamina g_i_adrnaline004 - Hyper-Adrenal Strength g_i_adrnaline005 - Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity g_i_adrnaline006 - Hyper-Adrenal Stamina g_i_cmbtshot001 - Battle Stimulant g_i_cmbtshot002 - Hyper-battle Stimulant g_i_cmbtshot003 - Echani Battle Stimulant
Utilities g_i_parts01 - Parts g_i_progspike01 - Computer Spike g_i_secspike01 - Security Spike g_i_secspike02 - Security Spike Tunneler
Pazaak Decks: g_i_pazdeck - Pazaak Deck g_i_pazsidebd001 - Pazaak Side Deck Pazaak Cards: g_i_pazcard_001 - Pazaak Card +1 g_i_pazcard_002 - Pazaak Card +2 g_i_pazcard_003 - Pazaak Card +3 g_i_pazcard_004 - Pazaak Card +4 g_i_pazcard_005 - Pazaak Card +5 g_i_pazcard_006 - Pazaak Card +6 g_i_pazcard_007 - Pazaak Card -1 g_i_pazcard_008 - Pazaak Card -2 g_i_pazcard_009 - Pazaak Card -3 g_i_pazcard_010 - Pazaak Card -4 g_i_pazcard_011 - Pazaak Card -5 g_i_pazcard_012 - Pazaak Card -6 g_i_pazcard_013 - Pazaak Card +/-1 g_i_pazcard_014 - Pazaak Card +/-2 g_i_pazcard_015 - Pazaak Card +/-3 g_i_pazcard_016 - Pazaak Card +/-4 g_i_pazcard_017 - Pazaak Card +/-5 g_i_pazcard_018 - Pazaak Card +/-6
Credits: g_i_credits001 - 5 credit stack g_i_credits002 - 10 credit stack g_i_credits003 - 25 credit stack g_i_credits004 - 50 credit stack g_i_credits005 - 100 credit stack g_i_credits006 - 200 credit stack g_i_credits007 - 300 credit stack g_i_credits008 - 400 credit stack g_i_credits009 - 500 credit stack g_i_credits010 - 1000 credit stack g_i_credits011 - 2000 credit stack g_i_credits012 - 3000 credit stack g_i_credits013 - 4000 credit stack g_i_credits014 - 5000 credit stack
Miscellaneous Items: g_i_gizkapois001 - Gizka Poison tat17_sandperdis - Sand People Clothing ptar_sitharmor - Sith Armor
Droids Droid Items g_i_drdrepeqp001 - Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp002 - Advanced Repair Kit g_i_drdrepeqp003 - Construction Kit
Droid Armor g_i_drdhvplat001 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 1 g_i_drdhvplat002 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 2 g_i_drdhvplat003 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 3 g_i_drdltplat001 - Droid Light Plating Type 1 g_i_drdltplat002 - Droid Light Plating Type 2 g_i_drdltplat003 - Droid Light Plating Type 3 g_i_drdmdplat001 - Droid Medium Plating Type 1 g_i_drdmdplat002 - Droid Medium Plating Type 2 g_i_drdmdplat003 - Droid Medium Plating Type 3 g1_i_drdhvplat01 - Composite Heavy Plating
Droid Shields g_i_drdshld001 - Energy Shield Level 1 g_i_drdshld002 - Energy Shield Level 2 g_i_drdshld003 - Energy Shield Level 3 g_i_drdshld005 - Environment Shield Level 1 g_i_drdshld006 - Environment Shield Level 2 g_i_drdshld007 - Environment Shield Level 3
Droid Probes g_i_drdcomspk001 - Computer Probe g_i_drdcomspk002 - Universal Computer Interface g_i_drdcomspk003 - Advanced Computer Tool g_i_drdmtnsen001 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 1 g_i_drdmtnsen002 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 2 g_i_drdmtnsen003 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 3 g_i_drdsecspk001 - Security Interface Tool g_i_drdsecspk002 - Security Domination Interface g_i_drdsecspk003 - Security Decryption Interface g_i_drdsncsen001 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 1 g_i_drdsncsen002 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 2 g_i_drdsncsen003 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 3 g_i_drdsrcscp001 - Droid Search Scope Type 1 g_i_drdsrcscp002 - Droid Search Scope Type 2 g_i_drdsrcscp003 - Droid Search Scope Type 3 g_i_drdtrgcom001 - Basic Targeting Computer g_i_drdtrgcom002 - Advanced Targeting Computer g_i_drdtrgcom003 - Superior Targeting Computer g_i_drdtrgcom004 - Sensor Probe g_i_drdtrgcom005 - Verpine Demolitions Probe g_i_drdtrgcom006 - Bothan Demolitions Probe g1_i_drdcomspk01 - Advanced Droid Interface
Droid Arm Weapons g_i_drdutldev001 - Stun Ray g_i_drdutldev002 - Advanced Stun Ray g_i_drdutldev003 - Shield Disruptor g_i_drdutldev004 - Advanced Shield Disruptor g_i_drdutldev005 - Oil Slick g_i_drdutldev006 - Flame Thrower g_i_drdutldev007 - Advanced Flame Thrower g_i_drdutldev008 - Carbonite Projector g_i_drdutldev009 - Carbonite Projector Mark II g_i_drdutldev010 - Gravity Generator g_i_drdutldev011 - Advanced Gravity Generator g1_i_drdshld001 - Baragwin Droid Shield g1_i_drdutldev01 - Baragwin Flame Thrower g1_i_drdutldev02 - Baragwin Stun Ray g1_i_drdutldev03 - Baragwin Shield Disruptor
You can also press TAB to get a list of all console commands.
Dantooine: Star Map Room: ------------------------- The dead Jedi in the Star Map room has a Sigil Force crystal in his inventory.
Dantooine: Protection from Kath Hounds: -------------------------------------- Whenever facing any type of Kath Hound, equip some kind of self shield to your arm and activate .It this will cause every blow from the Kath Hound to do less damage.
Dantooine: Stowaway: -------------------- As soon as you leave Dantooine, there will be a girl stowaway in your cargo hold. Big Z will mention something about missing food. If you walk around your ship, you will hear footsteps. Go to the cargo hold when instructed to find the girl. Return to Dantooine and talk to the Tw'liek near the tree. He will mention a missing girl. Convince the girl to out to meet the man. If she agrees, you will receive a Light side point.
Dantooine: Master Zhar's first test: ------------------------------------ Question#1: There is no emotion... Anwser#1: There is peace. Question#2: There is no ignorance... Anwser#2: There is knowledge. Question#3: There is no passion... Anwser#3: There is serenity. Question#4: There is no chaos... Anwser#4: There is harmony. Question#5: There is no death... Anwser#5: There is the Force.
Korriban: Finding the lost children: ------------------------------------ The lost children are located in the Shyrak Cave. After you defeat the Terentak, go up and to the right. Keep going until you see a lit fire. An intermission sequence begins and one of the lost Sith will talk to you. Then, if you are on the Light side, convince them that there must be some other option. If you are on the Dark side, then kill them or do another evil option.
Korriban: Sith Assassin Droid activation: ----------------------------------------- When in the Valley Of The Dark Lords, the first tomb on the left has a Sith Assassin Droid. When you enter the tomb, there will be a corpse with a Sound Dampening Stealth unit. Equip it, and fight your way up the tomb. When you reach the door at the top, the assassin droid will not attack you, and he will allow you to fix him. The following is the order in which you should disable his systems: 1. Combat Matrix 2. Motor Functions 3. Sensory 4. Memory 5. Cognitive Systems 6. Emotional Construct 7. Creative Simulation 8. Core
You will gain prestige by reciting the Code Of The Sith for Master Uthar, It is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peace is a lie there is only passion Through passion I gain strength Through strength I gain power Through power I gain victory Through victory my chains are broken
Korriban Naga Sadow Tomb: Power ring puzzle: -------------------------------------------- The four systems must be transferred from the left pillar to the right pillar. Move the four rings in this order. Left to Right. Left to Middle. Right to Middle. Left to Right. Middle to Left. Middle to Right. Left to Middle. Right to Left. Middle to Left. Right to Middle. Left to Right. Left to Middle. Right to Middle. Left ot Right. Middle to Right. Middle to Left. Right to Left. Middle to Right. Left to Middle. Left to Right. Middle to Right.
Leviathan: Answers for T3-M4: ----------------------------- If you select the T3-M4 droid to leave behind to later rescue the rest of your party, you will have to answer three questions to avoid having the memory chip erased. The answers are: Question 1: 3 Question 2: 10 Question 3: 11
Manaan Republic Enclave: Sith encryption code puzzle: ----------------------------------------------------- For these matrices: Additive: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 (19, 22, 24, 31) Subtractive: 21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16 (14, 18, 19, 21) Multiplicative: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (48, 52, 64, 96) Divisive: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4 (2, 1, 0, -2) Exponential: 1, 32, 81, 64, 25 (1, 3, 6, 9) Logarithmic: 1 0 - 8 3 - 32 5 - 128 (5, 6, 7, 8) The answers are: 22, 18, 64, 2, 6, 7. That will get you a security card to enter the Sith Private Hanger on Manaan.
When you enter the embassy to complete the quest for Roland Wann, talk to the technician in the back room. He will tell you about the encrypted matrices. Go to the terminal and solve the problems as follows. Additive: 22 Subtractive: 18 Multiplicative: 64 Divisive: 2 Exponential: 6 Logarithmic: 7 Afterwards you should have the correct passcard and can now proceed to find the Sith embassy.
Manaan: Duplicate items: ------------------------ 1. Go to the submersible in Manaan. Equip your two other party members with the items to be duplicated. 2. Go down to the underwater base. Go to any airlock. 3. Unequip all of the equipment from your other two characters. 4. Go through the airlock and come back in. 5. Your other two characters will have "respawned" with what they were wearing when they came down to the base, thus leaving you with one set of their equipment in inventory and another equipped to them. 6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as desired. Note: Sometimes they do not respawn with the equipment. If this happens, re-equip all the items, then go through the airlock and come back inside. That should fix it.
Taris: Lower City: Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle: ---------------------------------------------- In the Lower City apartments, go to the right down the hall to the second door. Inside this room will be a group of six holoprojectors. This is a trivia puzzle of sorts, asking for the order of which bandmembers joined the Twisted Rancor Trio. The order is as follows: Loopa (first on the left) : 4 Ujaa (second from the left) : 2 Elinda (third from the left) : 1 Ashana (third from the right) : 6 Fodo (second from the right) : 5 Ujii (first on the right) : 3
Taris Upper City: Dueling rewards: ---------------------------------- Go to the Upper City Cantina and talk to a hutt named Ajurr. After a duel, go back to him to collect the credits. Deadeye Duncan: 100 credits Gerlon Two-Fingers: 200 credits Ice: 300 credits Marl: 400 credits Twitch: 500 credits Devak Starkiller: 900 (if you Persuade Ajurr sucessfully)
Taris Upper City: Duelist weaknesses: ------------------------------------- Deadeye Duncan: Anything Gerlon Two fingers: Grenades Ice: Grenades Marl: Blasters Twitch: Grenades Bendak Starkiller: Grenades
Tatooine Sand People Territory: Keep Sand People clothing: ---------------------------------------------------------- Once you have acquired several Sand People robes and equipped them, put them in a new slot. You can take four or five of them back to your ship and store them in one of then containers. If you have any extra robes when you are talking to the chieftain he will take them all and you will not be able to get any more. Make sure to put some into the Ebon Hawk before you talk to the Chieftain of the Sand Enclave to keep them.
Tatooine: Defeating Sandpeople: ------------------------------- While in the desert, if a group of Sandpeople ambush you, make sure that your party consists of HK-47, your character, and Bastila. HK-47 should have the Disrupter rifle. As he shoots them from afar, have yourself and Bastila attack them with lightsabers. After you kill them, check their remains for their clothing. If you wear it, they will not attack you.
Unknown Planet: Zal Armor: -------------------------- The Zal armor is one of the best in the game. It is better than Cassus Fett's Armor, and it is free. On the Unknown Planet, be peaceful with the Tribe of The One. Kill the Mandalorians near the Temple. Return to the outside of The One's Base. Turn left, and talk to the Warmaster. He will lead you to a footlocker. Inside, you will find the Zal Armor, a thermal damage-preventing belt, some mines, and some Thermal Detonators. The Zal Armor has the following stats: Defense Bonus +12, Max Dexterity Bonus +1, Damage Resist: 25 Sonic, 25 Fire, 25 Cold.
Unknown Planet Temple: Crystals: -------------------------------- Before you leave the planet, make sure that you go to the workbench and construct your most powerful crystals into your lightsaber(s).
Unknown Planet: Keep Zaalbar on Dark Side: ------------------------------------------ If you decided to turn to the Dark Side and you are returning to the Ebon Hawk with Bastila, you must tell your comrades at the ship that you have turned back to the Dark Side. To avoid losing both Mission and Zaalbar, you must have the Dominate Mind Force power. You can use this to force Zaalbar to kill Mission.
Unknown Planet: Faster completion: ---------------------------------- You can go directly to the enclave of The One, reject the invitation, and free the prisoner instead of first going to the Elders and receiving the mission.
Unknown Planet Temple Catacombs: Puzzle in the lower levels: ------------------------------------------------------------ Walk in an "H" on the square puzzle to unlock the door and continue with the rest of the level. Note: Do this in solo mode so your other party members do not disturb the pattern.
Unknown Planet: Temple Summit: Alignment choice: ------------------------------------------------ When you are on the Unknown Planet and get to the top of the Temple, you will find Bastila. She fights you. Fight her until her stamina is halfway and she will urge you to rejoin the Dark side. However Jolee and Juhani (if she is in your party) will urge you to remain with the Light side. Every decision with the Light and Dark side you have made up until now does not really matter. Once you choose here, you will be Light or Dark permanently.
Unknown Planet Temple Summit: Alignment shift: ---------------------------------------------- This trick only takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Save the game at the temple summit where you meet with Bastila in the Star Forge system. From here you can go either way to the Dark or Light side. When having an alignment all the way to the Dark side, tell Bastila to turn to the Light side among the other dialogue. Your alignment meter will go all the way back up to the middle. You can continue the game from here to see the Light ending, or stay on the Dark side to see the Dark ending.
Yavin Station: Armor: --------------------- The owner of the Starbase orbiting Yavin has very-high quality armor for sale. It is also very expensive, requiring at least 10,000 credits. The owner of Yavin Base also has a Pazaak deck for sale if you do not already have one.
Yavin Station: More credits for items: -------------------------------------- To get more credits for your items, sell them on Yavin. This does not work for all items but does on most items such as Wraid Plates and the items your crew makes for you.
Yavin Station: Cheaper items: ----------------------------- If you defeat Suvam Tan enough times (about ten) in Pazaak you will receive a 20% discount on all of his items.
Yavin Base: Armor: ------------------ The owner of the Starbase orbiting Yavin has very-high quality armor for sale. It is also very expensive, requiring at least 10,000 credits. The owner of Yavin Base also has a Pazaak deck for sale if you do not already have one.
Kill Gadon more then once: -------------------------- When you exit the Ebon Hawk or an important place, notice that you are back on Taris with nearly everything restarted if you originally betrayed Gadon. You can go to the Bek base and everyone will attack. You will see Gadon running toward you and can kill him. Then, go to his chamber. You will see him again. This time he uses his equipment and you can kill him again. Note: The first Gadon has nothing in his remains.
Hidden names: -------------- When using the random name generator, press it enough times and you will get character names from the Homestar Runner cartoons, such as "Homsar" and "Kerreck." It might take a few tries to find these.
_______________________________________ ~~~I am not the owner of the hackss!~~~ ~But using them is making me a hacker~
